30 W Pershing Rd
Kansas City, Missouri 64108

Make reservations NOW to see eight local improv comedy troupes in the KC IMPROV SHOWCASE, September 29 and 30 at the H&R Block City Stage, Union Station. Top troupes come together to show KC audiences that improv is comedy, theater, art and (most of all) fun.

Each show features four different groups--and a surprising mix of philosophies and styles.

FRIDAY, 9/29, 7:30pm: CounterClockwise Comedy, The Coterie's "Updog's Special Friends," Hype 7 and Chaos Theatre’s “2 Much Duck."

SATURDAY, 9/30, 7:30pm: ComedyCity, The Trip Fives, Improv-Abilities and Straight Man.

Tickets are $15 for one show or $25 for both; call 816-460-2020 to order. For more information, visit kcimprovfestival.com.

The KC Improv Showcase is a benefit for 7:The KC Improv Festival, planned for Spring 2007, and presented in collaboration with City 3 Project, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to creating a community of improvisers. SUPPORT KC IMPROV. VISIT CITY3.ORG.

Official Website: http://city3.org/calendar/viewevent.cfm?event_id=242314

Added by mildweed on September 21, 2006

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