3215 Glendale Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90039

Change your water, change your life! Try the water for free, tell us your stories - did the Kangen water help with your blood pressure? Did it help with cholesterol levels? Did you experience better digestive processes? Did you experience weight loss? Did your joints finally stop aching? We want to know your stories! Equate a single cell in your body to a fish bowl. When a fish bowl gets dirty, do you drop a pill into the fish bowl? No. YOU CHANGE THE WATER! To learn more about Kangen water, call to sign up for a free DVD presentation at The Crystal Matrix on the health benefits of alkaline water. Consider also, that Kangen water is squeaky green! It helps eliminate the proliferation of plastic water bottles! Sign up on the dates listed to learn more! Bring your thirsty friends.

call 323 377 7177 to reserve space

Official Website: http://www.thecrystalmatrix.com/classes/4.html

Added by TheCrystalMatrix on October 14, 2009

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