100 South Virginia St
Renoq, Nevada 89501

Enjoy the show and receive a FREE copy of Justin’s new CD. The Pioneer Underground is located next to the Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts at 100 South Virginia, St., Reno , NV . Doors open at 6:30pm, show time is at 7:30pm. Enjoy a full bar and no drink minimum! We provide a smoke-free environment and beautiful theater setting.

Justin has long been impressing audiences regionally, nationally and internationally with his earnestness, heart and control of language. After a long silence following the release of his first record in 2007, he has spent the last six months in the studio recording his second full length album, "Second Chances and Irreparable Mistakes," produced and engineered by Joel Ackerson at True Story Records. It is a work of astonishing care and nuance and could very well launch Justin into the annals of songwriting history. Justin welcomes special guest, Tyler Stafford as his opening performer. Learn more about Justin by visiting his website, www.justinmcmahon.com.

Tickets for this event are $15 in advance and $20 the day of the show and include a copy of Justin’s new CD. Get more information and buy tickets at www.renotahoecomedy.com. Tickets are also available at the Pioneer Center for the Arts box office from 11am – 6pm Monday through Friday and at the Pioneer Underground on show nights between 7pm and 11pm. Fees may apply. No refunds. For a complete Reno Tahoe Comedy schedule, go to www.renotahoecomedy.com.

Official Website: http://www.renotahoecomedy.com

Added by Tahoe Comedy North on January 14, 2012

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