451 E 58th Ave, Ste 4270
Denver, Colorado 80216

The Junior League of Denver (JLD) presents the 30th annual Holiday Mart, Fabulous Shopping for a Fantastic Cause, December 4 through December 7, 2008, at the Denver Merchandise Mart. The JLD Holiday Mart features more than 80 retailers and artisans from all over the country — including several new vendors, offering an assortment of unique, custom-crafted and handmade retail gifts and accessories. Also enjoy a series of special events, including an exclusive champagne brunch and shopping event on Dec. 4, Ladies Night Out shopping evening on Dec. 5, Cookies with Santa for the kids on Dec. 6, and much more. A portion of sales will benefit JLD supported programs, initiatives and nonprofit agencies that improve the community through the health and education of women and children.

Added by Upcoming Robot on November 30, 2008