54-56 Whitworth Street West
Manchester, England M1 5WW

Sometimes you see someone perform for the first time and you're just completely blown away.

Playing a blend of folk, blues, soul & gospel JP is an intriguing prospect amongst aspiring UK Singer Songwriters. Listening to him perform, either alone or with his band, bears witness to an honesty, intensity & power evoked via the simplest of orchestration. 

His soulfully expressive unique vocal style, the kind that cuts through a room to hush a chattering crowd in seconds, is utterly bewitching. His unexpected vocal flights hardly prepare you for the intimacy & empathy to follow, couple this with a clutch of sensational songs & you would find it almost impossible to believe that he has only been writing seriously for 2 yrs & performing solo for barely one. Comparisons are yet to be made (although they inevitably will be), but there is nothing derivative about his voice or his songwriting. 

JP has been singing with Mcr's finest gospel choir, The Sing Out Choir for the last few years. An unusual training ground for an acoustic singer-songwriter you might think, but it's one that has enabled him to develop an extraordinarily soulful warmth to his vocal whilst retaining a genuine folksy feel & has informed a real leftfield approach to his song writing. 

Gigging constantly JP still found time to recorded & self-release 2 EPs with nothing more than a few battered microphones & some aged recording equipment. Selling out over 500 copies of his bedroom recordings JP is currently recording his 3rd EP with full backing band and gospel singers.



TICKETLINE: 0161 832 1111  /  www.ticketline.co.uk  
SEE TICKETS: 0870 264 3333  /  www.seetickets.com

Official Website: http://crd.fm/1qX

Added by Classic Slum on October 31, 2012

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