7800 Cellar Door Dr
Bristow, Virginia 20136

Added by Upcoming Robot on April 16, 2008



Join On Tap Magazine (www.ontaponline.com) for a trip to see one of the greatest rock bands of all times, Journey, at Nissan Pavilion on Wed., Aug. 27th. Opening for them are Heart and Cheap Trick. This is a bus-only trip -- you must purchase your own concert ticket (prices range from $25 for lawn seats to $125 for orchestra; order online here).

We'll meet at Tutto Bene in Arlington at 5 p.m. for pre-boarding cocktails (they're opening the bar early just for us), then board up and hit the road by 5:30 or so. Show starts at 7 p.m. with Heart opening. We all know what traffic is like on 66 at rush hour so it's entirely possible we'll miss some of Heart's set. If you heart Heart, you probably want to go on your own (and hit the road by 4 or so).

You bring your own refreshments -- you can store stuff on the bus during the show. We'll bring some movies and our Journey "Greatest Hits" CD. Nissan's site has the rules for what you can bring into the venue: view them here.

When: Wed., Aug. 27th. Pre-board party at 5 p.m. Board the bus at 5:30 p.m. Return approx. midnight.

Where: Tutto Bene, 501 N. Randolph St., Arlington. That's right next to Ballston Mall at the corner of Glebe and N. Randolph (other side of the intersection from Harris Teeter). There is a big public parking garage directly across the street at the mall and metro is a block away (Ballston). For a map and more info. visit www.tuttobenearlington.com.

Cost: $35. Order online at http://store.ontaponline.com