531 W 24th St
New York, New York 10011

This is an exhibition of new work by Josh Smith. This will mark his third solo show with the gallery and will present a selection of paintings and collages. Smith is perhaps best known for paintings featuring his name written large, the letters of which fluctuate between signifiers of the name and abstracted forms. In recent years, he has experimented with more figurative subjects such as fish and leaves, and his newest works include depictions of skeletons and insects. Each motif is chosen not as a subject to be precisely rendered, but rather as a point of departure in his ongoing exploration of abstraction. In his collages, common found materials such as newspapers are combined with reproductions of Smith's own works as well as silk-screen and painting. Some recent collages have consisted entirely of printed images of his existing works; by adjusting scale and modulating the colors of his printer, he can achieve innumerable variations of the original images.

Added by Upcoming Robot on January 22, 2011