315 Pillsbury Drive SE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

John Dewey’s seminal work Democracy and Education was published almost 100 years ago, but his critical ideas are crucially relevant today. Join the founders of the new John Dewey Center for Democracy and Education in a roundtable discussion of democracy in an era of globalization, education and its importance in democracy, how to live a meaningful life, and what our next steps should be.

Inspired by the American pragmatist tradition in general, and the philosophy of John Dewey in particular, the aim of the John Dewey Center for Democracy and Education is to provide a pluralistic framework for exploring and encouraging public thinking, consciousness, and debate concerning democracy and education.

Panel participants:
Harvey Sarles, Professor Emeritus, Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature, University of Minnesota
Karl Rogers, Science Studies, University of Bath, and Philosophy, University of Buenos Aires
Jerry Timian, St. Paul Foundation

Official Website: http://www.ias.umn.edu/calendar.php

Added by UMN Institute for Advanced Study on November 8, 2011