6712 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles, California 90028

Joel Schumacher Double Feature: FALLING DOWN, 1993, Warner Bros., 113 min. Dir. Joel Schumacher. When defense worker Michael Douglas loses his job and finds himself estranged from his family, he snaps and becomes a vigilante fighting for all the things he feels he and his generation have lost. The result is a chilling and moving satire thanks to Douglas’ pitch-perfect performance and Schumacher's empathetic treatment of his antihero.
FLATLINERS, 1990, Sony Repertory, 115 min. Dir. Joel Schumacher. An all-star cast of med students (Kiefer Sutherland, Julia Roberts, Kevin Bacon, William Baldwin, Oliver Platt) experiments with death, stopping each others' hearts and "flatlining" before being revived. Until, that is, they soon discover their exercise has unleashed the secrets of their past in a supernaturally terrifying manner.
Director Joel Schumacher will introduce the screenings.

Added by AmericanCinematheque on June 4, 2010