430 North Broadway
Jericho, New York 11753

On Sunday, January 11, 2009, at 6:30 PM, the Jericho Jewish Center will be hosting its 2nd Annual Musical Arts Gala, established by Cantor Barry Black. This year’s presentation – A SPANISH LOVE AFFAIR - features Cantor Barry Black, the internationally renowned artists Shiree Kidron and Alberto Mizrahi, the critically acclaimed Broadway headliners Miriam Larici and Leonardo Barrionuevo from NBC's "Superstars of Dance", and Hector Del Curto’s Eternal Tango Orchestra. This concert promises to be a sold out event, as was JJC’s previous concert, in 2007.

Reservations, directions and general information, (516) 938-2540,
or Jerichojc.com.

Added by rebeccabdg on January 8, 2009