Losangles, California 90840

Jay Kubassek Carbon Copy Pro

Learn the secrets of the Internet Wealthy

If you've heard of Carbon Copy Pro's Business in a Box, you might be wondering if it lives up to all the hype. Is this a legitimate business opportunity or just another get-rich-quick scam? Let's take a look at what's contained in Carbon Copy Pro's Business in a Box, how much it costs, and whether you can actually use it to make money.

First launched in July of 2008, Business in a Box offers entrepreneurs the chance to try out Carbon Copy Pro at a more affordable level. For $395, Business in a Box (or BiB for short) contains everything needed to be a successful online marketer. Some people might balk at the start-up fee, but this is a very good deal for what has proved to be a top-tier program.

When you purchase Business in a Box, you receive a boxed set that contains two marketing manuals, three DVDs, and an assortment of extras that add even more value to the product. Newcomers to the network marketing field like the system's step-by-step instructional format, which keeps them from feeling snowballed by too much information given all at once.

Added by jaykubassekcarboncopypro on March 16, 2009