Tucholskystr. 48
Berlin, Bundesland Berlin

Regelmäßiges Treffen der Berliner Java User Group. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen.
Die Vorträge:

From JBoss Cache to Infinispan – the future of open source data grids and cloud computing

In this talk, Infinispan founder and JBoss Cache project lead Manik Surtani introduces the role of data grids in today’s cloud-computing environment. The extreme scalability offered by data grids are powering the greatest and most high-profile of today’s applications. In his talk Surtani covers Infinispan, the new open source data grid platform, and it’s motivations and evolution as a project. Distributed data structures will be discussed in-depth, including strategies of managing and deploying data grids on cloud services such as Amazon AWS by making use of powerful toolkits such as JClouds.

jclouds: anyweight cloudware for java

This presentation is about how to connect to cloud storage from java. First, we will overview cloud infrastructure and differentiate this from data grids. Next, will introduce storage providers that are available. Following that, we will discuss the open source project jclouds and the storage api provided (jclouds-s3). Finally, we will have time for questions and general feedback.

The discussion will use examples to emphasize points. We cover storage providers including Amazon S3 and Sun Cloud storage. We introduce jets3t and review the pros and cons between this and jclouds-s3. From an integration perspective, we introduce the infinispan datagrid which uses jclouds to persist data into the cloud.

Die Redner:

Manik Surtani

Manik Surtani is a core R&D engineer at JBoss, a division of Red Hat, and project lead on Infinispan and JBoss Cache. He has a background in artificial intelligence and neural networks, a field he left behind when he moved from academic circles to the commercial world. Since then, he’s been working with Java-related technologies, first for a startup focusing on knowledge management and information exchange, and later for a large London-based consultancy as a tech lead focused on e-commerce applications on large Java EE and peer-to-peer technology. Surtani is a strong proponent of open source development methodologies, ethos, and collaborative processes.

Adrian Cole

Adrian Cole is the founder of the open source jclouds project and CEO of Global Cloud Specialists. jclouds is open source and enterprise’-grade cloudware for java. Global Cloud Specialists provides services that help you launch or relaunch your applications or IT processes into the cloud.

Adrian’s 15 year career includes design and implementation of mass automation and deployment products for financial, hosting, and education contexts.

Der Ablauf:

18:30 Tür auf, Zeit für etwas Networking
19:00 Vortrag “From JBoss Cache to Infinispan – the future of open source data grids and cloud computing”
20:30 Vortrag “jclouds: anyweight cloudware for java”
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Official Website: http://www.newthinking-store.de/stammtisch/javausergroup/20090714

Added by newthinking on July 9, 2009

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