906.5 Divisadero Street At McAllister
San Francisco, California

If you've spent any time in San Francisco or Oakland you probably know that if there is anything that locals hate, it's a clean, undecorated surface. From tags, to murals, from stickers to wheat paste the Bay Area is a virtual living, seething art gallery. As with any art-form it's totally subjective. One artist's spray can masterpiece might just be a store owner's budget going up in flames for the repairs. It's also a question of time and place. For every unfortunate, and ugly tag carved into a Bart Window there is a beautiful and surreal Clarion Alley. What would it be like to take an objective look at some of the best local talent in this most risky of mediums? Let BUS do all the dirty work for you. We're peeling away the controversy and leaving the ethical questions at the door as we bring the outside, in. On September 14, we invite you to Big Umbrella Studios for a new gallery show opening called "It came from the outside." We would have called it Outside Lands, but that was taken.

A portion of art proceeds will benefit the Mural Music & Arts Project, a leading Bay Area youth development organization with a mission to educate, empower, and inspire youth through the arts. More about MMAP: www.muralmusicarts.org.

Join us for a DJ’ed event, live painting, and refreshments from Banh Mi Love You Long Time (eatbanhmi.com) and Taylor’s Tonics: http://taylorstonics.com/.

Official Website: http://bigumbrellastudios.com/2012/it-came-from-the-outside/

Added by Big Umbrella Studios on September 10, 2012