Do you have megabytes of digital photographs stored on your hard drive waiting for your attention? Or old family photographs that have been scanned but need to be retouched? In this course, participants will learn how to use Adobe® Photoshop CS2 software to create special effects and modify images for digital photo collections, scrapbooks, collages and composites. Each session will consist of a lecture followed by exercises to allow participants to apply what they have learned.

Note: Participants interested in leaning how to use Photoshop primarily for professional purposes should consider Introduction to Photoshop® for Professionals.

Five Tuesdays and five Thursdays, October 9-November 8, 2007, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Limited enrollment
Registration and fee information available on Rice GSCS Web site.

Official Website:

Added by gscs_rice on June 28, 2007

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