116 East 27th Street, 7th Floor
New York, New York 10016


Mobile technology has already fundamentally transformed personal communications, but with mobile becoming ever more ubiquitous, driving increased social media activity and allowing digital communications channels to be accessible on the move, it is having a huge impact on how organizations, businesses and brands talk to customers.

This course in an introduction to this emerging channel, covering best practice, technical issues and insight into customer behavior, all backed up by practical examples and the latest research. This one day course will provide you with a solid understanding of the mobile marketing landscape focussing on practical skills and cutting-edge case studies, you will leave with a thorough knowledge of the technologies and terminology of mobile. You’ll discuss best practice guidelines, as well as being able to articulate the benefits and opportunities of a mobile strategy, and how this fits into a multichannel approach.

Ideal for marketers from brands, agencies and organizations looking to gain a comprehensive and structured insight into mobile marketing.

What You Will Learn:

• Mobile technology

• Mobile marketing

• Mobile and social

• mCommerce

• Mobile strategy

• Mobile apps and internet

Official Website: http://goo.gl/AFxgY

Added by Econsultancy - New York on July 25, 2012