1001 W. Fort St
Detroit, Michigan 48226

Marketing expert and author to speak to club members on using FaceBook to make money on the internet

Detroit, MI—The Internet Club meets this Thursday and members are looking forward to a special guest, Kim Schott, who will be speaking to the group on internet marketing techniques. “Many members have asked me how they can use the internet to promote themselves and generate leads for their business,” says Mark Maupin, leader of the club, “I know Kim will have a lot of valuable information to share.”

Kim Schott has worked as a global business consultant for more than 12 years. Her area of expertise include consistently attracting more clients to a small business in less time and strengthening relationships with an emerging cultural sector of clients. She is known for her engaging, professional style, respect of cultural values and sense of humor as she reaches out and connects with people from all corners of the globe.

Kim will speak to members about FaceBook, a community networking website, and how to use it to build your business. Topics include how to avoid the most common killer of client communication, how to use client communication strategies to help you come out on top of any difficult situation, secrets professionals use to propel their global business performance, and how to effectively utilize all areas of FaceBook.

Mark Maupin leads the Internet Club on the second Thursday of each month, from 6pm to 9pm. He looks forward to seeing many new faces at this event. Not a member? Not a problem! Join Mark for the meeting and he will get you signed up. Mark has announced that next month he plans to have one the leading experts speak on how to set up a web site. The meeting is on July 10, from 6pm to 9pm. Visit http://megaeveningevent.com for details.

The Downtown Campus of Wayne County Community College Library
1001 West Fort Street,
Detroit, Michigan 48226
Contact: Ralph Mark Maupin
Phone: 248-939-6232
Email: [email protected]

Official Website: http://megaeveningevent.com

Added by Real Estate Events on July 8, 2008

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