618 S. Michigan Ave., Second floor
Chicago, Illinois 60605

Opening Reception: 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., April 29

Located at both venues:

Arcade Gallery
618 S. Michigan Ave., Second Floor
10 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday; noon-5 p.m., Saturday, May 14

Center for Book & Paper Arts Gallery
1104 S. Wabash Ave. Second Floor
10 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday-Saturday

With the singular 2011 Annual Graduate Thesis Exhibition and Performance Programs, April 29-May 20, the Interdisciplinary Arts Department at Columbia College Chicago continues to establish itself as one of the country’s leading graduate arts programs in media arts and book and paper arts. Scheduled performance and reading programs on April 29 and 30 will accompany the exhibition.

Featuring extensive individual projects by 16 students graduating from the three-year program, the exhibition exemplifies the department’s status as a leader in interdisciplinary arts. Cohesive and expansive, this exhibition affords each student the time, resources and space to realize well executed, individually-envisioned projects that are the result of a yearlong intensive research process.

The Interdisciplinary Arts Thesis Exhibition and Performance Programs are the place for collectors, curators, art critics and arts enthusiasts to discover the next wave of talent and leaders in contemporary art – particularly in book and paper arts, performance and interdisciplinary media art. According to Michelle Citron, department chair, “The culmination of three years of graduate practice, this year’s outstanding quality of work is a bridge to the professional art world.”

This year, the thesis exhibition has been selected for inclusion in the Art Chicago VIP Black Pass Collector program during the Art Chicago fair, April 29 – May 2. In an exclusive event, Art Chicago’s top collectors and curators will have the opportunity to view the exhibition and interact with students.

Exhibiting Students:
MFA in Interdisciplinary Book & Paper Arts: Matthew L. Aron, Laura Wessman LeBreton, Steve Mancione, Daniel Mellis, Margaret Puckett, Jana Sim

MFA in Interdisciplinary Arts & Media: Barrie Broadie, Kelli Cousins, Chip Duggan, Hale Ekinci, Mary Mazurek Khan, Colleen McGann, Laura Elayne Miller, Kate Riegle van West, Nicolas S. Ruley, Nick Sagan

Related Programming:

Performances, Stage Two, 618 S. Michigan Ave., Second Floor
7 p.m., April 29
3 p.m. and 7 p.m., April 30

Art as Reading/Reading as Art, Arcade Gallery/ Center for Book & Paper Arts Gallery, 618 S Michigan Ave., Second Floor, 7 p.m., May 6

Official Website: http://cms.colum.edu/interdisciplinaryarts/2011/04/2011_interarts_graduate_thesis.php

Added by mediarelationsasst on April 11, 2011

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