1418 W. Howard St. at Sheridan Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60626

Mr. Mergler's Gift
Director: Beverly Shaffer
Runtime: 31 minutes
Year: 2005

The girl sits at the piano and plays the opening bars of Für Elise. Daniel Mergler has heard the Beethoven bagatelle countless times over the decades, but this is different. He listens with surprise, and delight lights up the old man's eyes. This is the remarkable story of Xin Ben, a 9-year old daughter of Chinese immigrants and her mentor, Mr. Mergler, a dying man with dedication to his young prodigy. Together they explore the transcendental beauty of music and experience its life-changing gifts.

Official Website: http://lifesurfing.org/movies.html#series01

Added by Lake Side Cafe on January 30, 2009

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