307 East 53rd St.
New York, New York

Where business professionals, like yourself, are given the opportunity to meet other business professionals to cross-market, share client base and buy/sell.
No business is excluded from this event because any type of business can cross-market their service and product utilizing another's client base. This is the most cost effective way to increase your business and sales.
You will find at my event, bankers, financial advisors, tax accountants, advertisers, retail owners, private manufactures, travel agents, beauty consultants, florists, limo service and some much more!

UPDATE April 16, 2009: Jonathan Katz-President of Liberty Credit Card Solutions is attending the April 29th event. He will explain how you can take the first step towards saving your firm significant funds by analyzing what your rates are for credit card processing. The analysis is free and there is no obligation, but the savings flows directly to your bottom line.

Happy Hour Priced Drinks!
1 Raffle ticket for a door prize valued at $50.00!

Where your business is our business

Official Website: http://www.IMeetMarket.vpweb.com

Added by megabites42 on February 8, 2009

Interested 2