54 Dundas E, Toronto ON
Toronto, Ontario M5B1C7

This month's International Game Developers Association Toronto meeting will be a social event at the Imperial Pub. New and familiar faces are welcome. Hear the latest updates from people who went to Game Development Conference last week. You can always just drop in to share a couple of refreshing drinks with your friends!

Are you looking for work or will be soon? Bring your resume and business cards, portfolio in a binder, laptop with your latest project, sample code, game designs, scripts, etc. Show your best work!

Are you working at a company that might be hiring? Print off a few copies of the job postings, or talk to team leads or managers within your company beforehand what they are looking for now or might be in the future.

Are you a student or working outside the industry and want to improve your skills or expand your portfolio? Consider contributing to a student / indie / open source project, participating in TOJam 2 or other local events. Come to the meetings and check the IGDA TO webpage and forums for the latest details. And consider volunteering at IGDA Toronto or other local events to get valuable exposure and meet folks.

Is your company looking to get exposure and give back to the community by sponsoring IGDA Toronto events or providing a speaker? Contact a Steering Committee member for more details.

Want to improve your professional skills? Why not suggest a guest speaker so that they might speak at an upcoming event?

The meeting starts at 7 PM and short announcements will be made at 8 PM. If you have some news that you would like announced at the meeting, please email or talk to us ahead of time so we can announce it for you.

The International Game Developers Association (IGDA) Toronto Chapter events are generally free and open to all who are in, or would like to be in, the Toronto game development community. The IGDA is a non-profit professional society that is committed to advancing the careers and enhancing the lives of game developers by connecting members with their peers, promoting professional development, and advocating on issues that affect the developer community.

--The IGDA Toronto Steering Committee

Official Website: http://igda.org/toronto/

Added by PaulForest on March 13, 2007

Interested 2