1 East Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, Illinois

Join Idealist and hundreds of other practical dreamers at the 2007 Idealist Campus Conference and learn how we can do more together.

The Idealist Campus Conference is a gathering of students, campus staff, nonprofit professionals, and year of service members who are part of a global network of practical dreamers. The conference will be hosted by DePaul University in Chicago, IL during the weekend of March 23-25, 2007. The weekend will be jam-packed with skill-building, networking, socializing, and most importantly, the opportunity to help build a global movement for turning ideas into action.

This year’s conference will focus on small, engaging, facilitator-led discussion groups rather than presenter-led workshops. We are actively seeking facilitators with varying levels of experience who will receive training to lead these discussions (students, staff and professionals welcome!).

To register, go to http://www.idealist.org/conference2007.

Official Website: http://www.idealist.org/conference2007

Added by daveamos on January 12, 2007