39 Great Russell Street
London, England WC1B 3NZ

Kingdom of the Wicked, Scarlet Traces, Leviathan and now Stickleback - creative duo Ian Edginton and Matt Brooker (aka D'Israeli) have been making waves in the industry for fifteen-odd years, whether working with American publishers, appearing in 2000 AD or publishing their own work. To celebrate the release in softcover of their latest two-thou hit Stickleback, these bande-dessinée blue-bloods will be doing a full two-hour signing at little ol' Gosh Comics!

Stickleback itself is the tale of the eponymous freak of indeterminate origin, a semi-mythical crimelord whose ragtag gang of odd bods hold a noose-like grip over a steampunk-influenced Victorian London. When Stickleback's dominance is threatened by meddling police detectives and rival crime bosses, the team spring into action with thrilling (and beautifully-rendered) consequences. It's a must-have graphic novel, and this is your chance to have a copy personalised by the visionaries behind it.

The signing takes place in Gosh's (London's premier comic shop) hallowed basement on Saturday 16th August and runs from 4pm-6pm. Copies of the new Stickleback collection, along with copies of the Scarlet Traces trilogy, Leviathan and the rest of the duo's back catalogue, will be available to purchase on the day.

If you can't make it on the day, signed books can be reserved (and personalised if you so desire.) We can also mail out to anywhere in the world. The book is £9.99, and signing is no extra!

Email us at [email protected] and visit our blog at http://goshlondon.blogspot.com/

Or come see us in person at 39 Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3NZ (opposite the British Museum.)

Official Website: http://goshlondon.blogspot.com/

Added by goshlondon on August 4, 2008