1512 Curtis St
Denver, Colorado 80205

IA SocialNet Networking event featuring LinkedIn Live!

Integrated Alliances hosts monthly networking events for people interested in the B2B and B2C professionals. If meeting a large number of other business professionals can help you, then you need to be at these events.

IA has a great staff to serve you, and they are led by the IA Ambassadors who are on hand to help you meet new people, get acclimated to the event and make sure you have a great time. The events attract as many as 200 business professionals that want to meet YOU.

Fill open positions within your company.
*Find jobs and contract work.
*Meet new business partners that can bring you into new deals.
*Make personal friendships that may be purely social - racquetball, golf, book clubs, etc..
*See interesting business and technology exhibits.

The IA SocialNet Event is very inexpensive. Appetizers are provided by Integrated Alliances.

Official Website: http://www.LinkedColorado.com

Added by loriruff on January 22, 2009