1418 W. Howard St. at Sheridan Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60626

From a Habit-Driven state to Inner Freedom
Human transformation depends on becoming able to see what really is, without projecting through our past experiences and the limiting interpretations of our mind. This workshop supports letting go of unhealthy habits and opening up to a more loving, caring and fulfilling approach. It is about learning to flow with life by spontaneously and creatively responding to that which is in each moment instead of following addictive behavior. The workshop will include active and silent meditation exercises, as well as time to ask questions.
More info at: www.Lifesurfing.com/event-workshops.html

Fee: incl. lunch: $80 or $70 early-bird: if paid before 04/15/08
Register at: www.Lifesurfing.org/register.php

Official Website: http://www.Lifesurfing.com/event-workshops.html

Added by Lake Side Cafe on February 27, 2008

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