1423 Richmond Avenue
Houston, Texas 77006

Remember it is not what you know but who you know!

Fall is here and we have the perfect patio to network Houston, so join us at El Pueblito! The 14-year Houston Latin-American cuisine favorite is offering up drink specials and complimentary light bites so HSS members and guests can make merry for happy hour on the patio and watch as the sun sets on another Thursday. With HSS there is a new way to socialize and network in the world’s smallest big city. Get connected locally and discover the possibilities.

Bring your business card and meet other professionals from all over this great city!

Not a member? Not a problem, just hit the JOIN link at http://www.HoustonSocialSource.com and discover how much you gain for giving so little.

Official Website: http://www.HoustonSocialSource.com

Added by eventscafe22 on October 28, 2012

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