2800 sage road
Houston, Texas 77056

Spicing up a life of serial dating is a breeze at the Cougar and Boytoy speed dating party, The Houston Social Source’s latest exclusive event. By pairing these two dating phenomenon HSS has hit the sweet-spot for a unique and intriguing dating event plus an opportunity for inhabitants of the ever-frustrating dating world to witness just how satisfying, rewarding and invigorating it can be to shed dating inhibitions.

The Houston Social Source’s Cougar and Boytoy speed dating party is Friday, November 30, 2012 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm at Tango Malbec restaurant. Tango Malbec’s South American cuisine, Tango atmosphere and private event room create the perfect environment for the speed dating event – flavorful, sensual and exclusive. Enjoy drink specials and delicious complimentary appetizers and watch the speed dating magic unfold.

The Houston Social Source Cougar and Boytoy speed dating party is open to the Houston public for those who wish to witness the fun and be inspired. The party watchers, mixers and minglers are only $5 for guests at the door and, as always, HSS members are free. For those who wish to be one of the awe-inspiring speed daters it is $30 for guests and only $15 for members – women 40 and up and men under 39 are welcome to participate.

For more information or for to RSVP, please visit http://www.HoustonSocialSource.com, or call 713-630-0546

Official Website: http://www.HoustonSocialSource.com

Added by eventscafe22 on November 23, 2012

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