11805 Westheimer Rd
Houston, Texas 77042

Houston Single Source invites you to get out and cool off in August! Rockfish Grill has a rollicking bar area! This event is a great way to meet a diverse group of upscale professionals who are looking to Mix. Mingle. Connect. Participate. We've been doing this mixers for years and they are always a great way to wind down after work and wind up for the weekend with someone new and special!

6:30 – 8:30PM; Rockfish Grille, 11805 Westheimer Houston, TX 77077 This event is free for Houston Single Source members and $10 for non-members. For more information or to RSVP please visit www.HoustonSingleSource.com , email [email protected] or call 713-630-0546.

Official Website: http://www.HoustonSingleSource.com

Added by eventscafe22 on June 30, 2009