Houston, Texas

BooTown proudly presents the second annual Houston Fringe Festival, May 15-17, 2009 to support the growth of new artistic endeavors and audiences for theatre, film, dance, performance art, and music. Several local theatre groups will participate, including Mildred’s Umbrella Theatre, Bobbindoctrin Puppet Theatre, and Melusine Theatre, as well as many individual artists. The Festival will be held in different venues around the Montrose neighborhood (Westheimer@Taft), including Avant Garden, Demitasse, Mango’s Cantina, and Sacred Heart Studio. Most of the spaces are non-traditional performance spaces, and most of the productions take a minimalist approach with sparse technical requirements. This year BooTown will donate a percentage of the profit to Writers in the Schools, which gives children all over Houston the gift of creativity, the power to find their voices, and the freedom to express themselves by pairing professional writers with students in classrooms, community centers, hospitals, and summer creative writing workshops all over the Houston area. In addition, a percentage of each show’s profits will be returned to the festival’s participating artists.



Official Website: http://HoustonFringeFestival.org

Added by dusty love on March 25, 2009