1418 W. Howard St. at Sheridan Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60626

Rejuvenate Yourself in the Stillness of Nature
Walking in nature, being present in the moment, feeling the ground under your feet, being in contact with your breath, and simply listening to the sound of the wind bring you in deep contact with your natural state of joy and harmony. A guided meditative hike, along with awareness exercises in and with nature, allows you to be with yourself and to come in touch with your inner silence.
Sundays, October 2, December 4
6:00am (meeting at the I.M.U.) to about 8:00pm
$65/$75 incl. meditative exercises, 3 meals & driving to State Park
Visit our web site for discounts & to sign up for our free newsletter
To register & for info call 773-262-1468, visit www.Lifesurfing.org
Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St at Sheridan Rd, Chicago, IL 60626


Added by Lake Side Cafe on September 20, 2011

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