618 B St
San Rafael, California 94901

How easy is it for you to travel to work, to health care, to school, to shops and recreational facilities? Concerned about transportation and its effect on our community, economy, and environment? The future of transportation in Marin County and the Bay Area will be the subject of a public workshop held by the Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM).

Do you want...
... increases in bus transit service in your community?
... youth, senior, low-income bus passes?
... to see more bike and pedestrian opportunities?
... to influence decisions on how tax dollars are spent in transportation projects?

Marin County needs your help to determine what major transportation projects and programs should get regional, state and federal funding over the next three decades.

This inclusive workshop will provide Marin residents the opportunity to guide the development of the various transportation resources in the Bay Area, which include highways, transit systems, rail, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Consideration of meeting equitable developments should be at the forefront of our participation in this project.

This opportunity only comes around once every four years and will influence future projects for the next 25 years! It is very important that you ACT NOW. Make your voice heard in decisions on how national, state, regional, and local transportation dollars are spent.

Please come to this workshop to learn about the process and let us know what types of transportation projects are most important to you.


Official Website: http://www.tam.ca.gov/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=3789

Added by FullCalendar on March 22, 2011

Interested 1