116 N Main St
Farmville, Virginia 23901

in the heart of Virginia
You're going to love the Heart of Virginia Festival, whether you're three or eighty-three. Magic shows, face painting, fun art projects, and cotton candy will do the trick if you're three. If eighty-three, you're more apt to enjoy the elegant artwork, one-of-a-kind crafts, exotic fruit drinks, and perhaps the jazz or bluegrass.
Don't worry, there's plenty for all the in-between ages too. Rock, soul, oldies, rap, barbecue, Italian sausage, funnel cakes, antique car show, drama, talent shows, 10-K run.... Well, you get the idea. All kinds of stuff all day long all over downtown Farmville.
In the evening the fun moves to the Farmville Airport with more great food and back-to-back bands until dark. Then begins the most spectacular fireworks display you'll ever see - sizzlers, whistlers, twirlers, stars, big bans, colors on colors, dazzling white, just about every variation you can imagine.
But the neatest thing about the Festival isn't the goodies or entertainment or anything planned at all. It's the spirit. No place has that old-time neighborliness like Farmville. That's why we boast it's the best small-town festival in the world.
As local author Francis Wood says, "We'll laugh and hug and talk out loud because, today it's all right. No one will fault you if you raise your hands and kick up your heels and dance. Breathe it all in and enjoy!"
Mark your calendar now for the first Saturday in May. Plan to relax with your family, pick up a few gifts, and catch that Heart of Virginia spirit!

Official Website: http://heartofvirginia.org/index.php

Added by Mothersheart on March 1, 2009