1 Sekforde Street, EC1R 0BE
London, England

August 19th brings the first of many Hadoop User Group meetups in the UK.
It will be hosted at Skills Matter in Clerkenwell, London and we'll have presentations from both developers and users of Apache Hadoop.

The event is free and anyone is welcome, but we only have room for 60 people so make sure you're on the attending list if you're coming.
We're sponsored by Yahoo! Developer Network (lunch+beer), Skills matter (beer) and Last fm (room hire), thanks guys!

If you're interested in presenting please let us know at [email protected]

Preliminary times:
10.00 → 10.15: Welcome and introduction
10.15 → 11.00: Doug Cutting (Project founder, Yahoo!) - Hadoop overview
11.00 → 11.45: Tom White (Lexemetech) - Hadoop on Amazon S3/EC2
11.45 → 12.30: Steve Loughran and Julio Guijarro (HP) - Smartfrog and Hadoop
12.30 → 13.30: Lunch. (Sandwich, fruit, drink and crisps. Meat and veggie options)
13.30 → 14.15: Martin, Elias and Johan (Last fm) - Hadoop usage at Last.fm
14.15 → 15.15: Lightning talks (5-10 minutes each)
15.15 → 16.00: Panel discussion
16.00 → 17.00: Free beer!
17.00 → xx.xx: Wandering to a nearby pub

Lightning talks include:
Miles Osborne (University of Edinburgh) - Using Nutch and Hadoop for Natural Language Processing
Tim Sell (Last.fm intern) - PostgreSQL to HBase replication
Mark Butler - Distributed Lucene

More details and presenters announced at a later date. Watch this space.

For more information about Hadoop: http://hadoop.apache.org/core/

Added by johanoskarsson on April 25, 2008