10 Pacific Way
Muir Beach, California 94965

Please to remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
We know no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
- Childrens Nursery Rhyme

On the night of November 5th throughout Britain, bonfires are lit, effegies are burned, and fireworks on set off.

The people do this to commemorate their country's most notorious traitor. He almost succeeded. If he had, it would have plunged Britain into a terrible war of faith.

We hope you will not be troubled by the spectacle of burning a guy in effigy on a bonfire, but it's just one of those quaint English customs eagerly looked forward to by children and gentle folk in celebration each year of the failed Gunpowder Plot of Guy Fawkes in l605. He, with
others attempted to blow up England's Parliament and bag the Protestant King James I in the process.

Please join in this auspicious occasion on the Beach in the celebration of the traditional burning of the "Guy" on a splendid bonfire.

All welcome at around 7:00 pm on the beach for the "Burning" and afterwards at the Pelican Inn for live music and drinks in the pub!

Please note the park service has tightened up their requirements following the surge of attendees last year when Guy Fawkes fell on a Saturday night. Among other things, the only burning permitted at the beach this evening will be our official one; all other beach fires are subject to fines and citations. Also, to pay for the considerably increased park fees, we are charging $10 a person to attend. Snacks (pig in a blanket?) will be provided.

Official Website: http://www.pelicaninn.com/holiday.html

Added by stuartzero on October 25, 2007