3200 16th St
San Francisco, California 94103

We have 2 sustainability happy hours in San Francisco, one that has been on Green Drinks for a while now and meets on the 1st Wednesdays of the month, and this second one that is focused on sustainable business and meets on the 2nd Thursdays of the month.

We meet at Elixir on 16th and Guerrero from 6:00 - 8:00PM. Elixir is a certified green business in San Francisco and has organic beer, wine and spirits available. The intention is to support the growth of green businesses in San Francisco through networking, sharing information about products and services and job seeking.

Contact Chris Bartle chris [at] greenkeyrealestate [dot] com for the next meeting or see --


Official Website: http://greendrinks.org

Added by SustainLaneReviews on May 31, 2007



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