662 26 Rd
Grand Junction, Colorado

EVERYDAY GOURMET: Cooking with wine. FEBRUARY 26
Learn how to use various varietals in preparing a host of exquisite dishes, plus discover the secrets to making a fantastic reduction. Once you understand how wine affects and complements other ingredients, you can use it to enhance almost any dish.

Please call Diana at DMT Catering to register:
All classes will be taught by Chef Diana Tarasiewicz.

All classes presented by DMT Catering and will be held at Willowpond Bed and Breakfast, from 6:30 pm to 8:45 pm. Classes include recipe packets, a full meal, and wonderful camaraderie. Classes are $50 each. Classes are transferable, but not refundable. Class attendance is limited and classes fill up fast.

Official Website: http://www.willowpondbnb.com

Added by dulcimermaid on January 15, 2009



It seems that Chef Diana has figured out how to use public event site to profit.


Someone should moderate this so that individual people cannot profit from there postings here as Chef Diana has figured out.