550 Mt. Olivet Road
Martinsville, Virginia

Captain's Choice
Double Shotgun Start: 9 AM & 1:30 PM

Sponsored by Burch–Hodges–Stone, Inc., Golf for the Arts is a benefit golf tournament held annually in support of Piedmont Arts. The money raised from the tournament helps Piedmont Arts bring exciting programming into our schools and greater community.

Golf for the Arts 2010 is a Captain’s Choice tournament, open to single players and teams of four. Awards will be given for the top three teams, the last place team and closest to the pin on the course’s par 3 holes. Plus, the winner of our Hole in One Contest will receive a 24–month lease on a 2010 Nissan Maxima from Jim Mills Nissan!

To register a team, visit www.piedmontarts.org and fill out a registration form or contact Bernadette Moore at [email protected].

Official Website: http://piedmontarts.org/page.cfm?ID=163

Added by Piedmont Arts on June 16, 2010

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