150 Convent Ave
New York, New York 10031

'God's Trombones' was created by acclaimed composer/trombonist Craig Harris. Harris has realized a longstanding dream - to create a music- theatre work that reinterprets and reinvigorates James Weldon Johnson's 1927 classic collection of poems based on the inspirational sermons of Negro preachers. Johnson was one of the giants of African-American cultural history and his book pays poetic tribute to a unique African-American cultural tradition. Harris' musical extravaganza features a jubilant trombone choir, vocalists and musicians and an explosive score that captures the rhythm and cadence of Johnson's poems.

Official Website: http://www.songkick.com/concerts/7503066-gods-trombones-at-harlem-stage-gatehouse?utm_source=1126&utm_medium=partner

Added by Upcoming Robot on December 15, 2010