1075 Ala Moana Blvd
Honolulu, Hawaii 96814

Join us for our 4th-annual Amateur Girl's Surf Contest & our first ever Team Challenge on Saturday, September 26, 2009.

This is it! The Contest. The time to show off your talents, your practice, your expressions! It's also where spectators can see some of the best women's surfing Oahu has to offer! Last year at our Pro-Am competition, Oahu's own, Carissa Moore was the big winner.

Contest surfers are a special crowd – not afraid, not afraid to take on challenges, courageous and confident. It’s not easy to step out in front of family, friends, strangers...the world! But when you do it and you do it well, it’s awesome—the more people, the better! Get stoked!

Girls Who Surf is committed to taking this event to the next level every year. Hawaii is a relatively small, strong, and proud community. We hope to continue working with the community to take surfing, Hawaii surfing, and Hawaii Girls surfing to the next level. This year we're including a Team Challenge. Please register your 4-person teams online or by calling 772.4583. Teams must have at least 1 female member!

Stick around and help Girls Who Surf keep Oahu's beach-parks beautiful! We are organizing a beach-clean up for that same day. Please meet us in the park and we'll provide you with trash bags, gloves and a thank you gift.

For registration & more information:


Official Website: http://www.girlswhosurf.com/contest2008/index.htm

Added by girlswhosurf on May 25, 2009

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