2011 W North Ave
Chicago, Illinois

Join the cast of Girlie-Q as we play doctor with our audience!

This show is a unique fundraising event for two very good causes, Lesbian Community Care Project and Be Bright Pink. This specially-themed burlesque show will feature mammary-themed acts, nurses in latex, a breast self-exam demo the likes of which you've never seen!

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009
@ Subterranean
2011 W. North Ave.
Chicago, IL 60647

Hosted by Ms. Bea Haven, Chicago Burlesque's Dyke Darling, The Breast Show Ever is guaranteed to titillate, excite, enthrall...and make you think.

Starring: Cruel Valentine, Dizzy Lizzy Delicious, Ezra Poundable, Ms. Leslie Lee, Lula Houp-Garou, Maiden Sacrifice, Plucky Rosenthal, Salome Slaughter, Sauda Namir & Siren Jinx.

Ten bucks gets you in the doors for a night of fun, swag bags full of goodies (including hot pink vibrators from Be Bright Pink for the first 90 people in the door!), and more boobtastic fun than you can shake a stick at.

Visit http://www.myspace.com/girlieqproductions for more information.

Girlie-Q Productions is the latest, greatest incarnation of the series of Girlie-Q shows produced and directed by Jeanne Theresa Newman, aka Ms. Bea Haven. With a keen curatorial eye, high production values, and a queer campy sensibility, Girlie-Q brings performance that titillates, entertains, and makes you think. Our shows have been in production since 2003, making them the among the longest-running in Chicago today.

Featuring some of the edgiest burlesque, modern dance, live music, and variety performance in town, the Girlie-Q is the alternative to mainstream burlesque. The show mixes drag, striptease, dance, comedy and radical sexual art with "lowbrow" performance interests. They regularly dig up the strange, the bizarre and the fantastic for an unforgettable evening.

Press for Girlie-Q
"Audiences bored with vanilla strip tease will not be disappointed...If you like burlesque and you're not boring, check out a queer show. It's funnier, dirtier, and the main course is still mams and gams!"
-Being Totally Sweet in ChicagoPress for

Time Out Critic's Pick

Metromix/Red Eye's Best Bets (for things to do that day)1/5/08, 5/10/08, 6/28/08, 10/11/08, 2/7/09

Metromix/Red Eye's Best Bets for Pride 2008

"...providing bawdy fun for a sophisticated crowd"
The L Word, Metromix.com

"My number one choice is Girlie-Q."
Chicago Theater Critic Johnathan Abarbanel on

"For the very adult!" Lin Bremer, Bremer's Best, WXRT-FM

"Great Energy! Bravo!...Highly Recommended"
-Ray's Guide to Chicago Area Burlesque

"One note about queer burlesque for the straight and uninitiated: the acts may sometimes have feminist overtones, but they still consist of sexy women (sometimes more than one!) taking their clothes off and should be anticipated more than feared."-Ray's Guide to Chicago Area Burlesque

Official Website: http://myspace.com/girlieqproductions

Added by girlieqproductions on April 14, 2009

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