3101 24th St.
San Francisco, California 94110

GIRIA: Trade your Portuguese slang
Wednesday, March 14, 2007 at 7:30PM

Oi galera--

We've been recovering from carnaval for some time now, and porra!--it's time to meet up again.


That's right, get ready to dust off your memory and reach back for GIRIA--the slang, the idioms, and other silly sayings they don't teach you in a class. I'll bring a notebook full of all the strange and wonderful sayings I picked up in Brazil; while you needn't go to such excess, come with your favorite couple of expressions in mind!

As always, all levels are welcome (though I hope not to be the highest-level speaker for this one). Hang out and have a good time reviving your Portuguese. Sacou?

Make sure to RSVP! Come give your Portuguese the burst of new vocabulary it needs.


Philz Coffee3101 24th St San Francisco, CA 94110

Official Website: http://portuguese.meetup.com/292/calendar/5556177/

Added by jburwen on March 10, 2007