Memorial Drive
St Louis, Missouri 63169

Jefferson National Expansion Memorial presents special evening programs in conjunction with the St. Louis Astronomical Society. Come to the Gateway Arch Visitor Center for this FREE program. Each evening starts indoors with a talk by an expert in our theater and ends outdoors where you'll see what's going on in the sky through powerful telescopes.

Thursday, July 22, 2010 from 8-10:30PM Eric Gustafson, St. Louis Science Center Astronomer, will present a talk on the use of stars in calendars and navigation.

Thursday, August 19, 2010 from 8-10:30PM Edward Guinness, Senior Research Scientist at Washington University, will give a presentation on the latest developments in Mars exploration.

For more information go to or call Richard Fefferman at 314-655-1708

Added by erieffer6 on July 19, 2010

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