4420 Warwick Blvd
Kansas City, Missouri 64111

China's Gao Brothers--Gao Qiang and Gao Zhen--have collaborated on their artwork since 1985. Much of the Gao Brothers' work has been colored by their family's experiences during China's Cultural Revolution (1966-76). In 1968 the artists' father was arrested as a counter revolutionary, and days later he died while in custody. The Gao Brothers' works of art seek to understand China's complicated history and a government that has moved from Communism to a form of State Capitalism controlled by the Communist Party. At times, the works are politically charged, but in the end the brothers seek to forgive and understand. Featuring large-scale sculpture, painting, and photography, this is the artists' first museum exhibition in the United States.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 16, 2010