One Federal Street
Boston, Massachusetts

Interested in meeting early-stage Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists in Boston?
Then register for the FundingPost event on June 24 -

FundingPost has hosted 150+ sold-out venture events in 17 cities over the past 7 years.
At our next Boston event, the panel of investors will focus on Early-Stage Venture Investing:
How to meet investors, pitch them, and what it really takes to get them to write you a check! We will be discussing trends in Early-Stage Investing, hot sectors, sectors that these Angels and VCs look at, things that are most important to them when they are considering an Investment, the best and worst things an entrepreneur can do to get their attention, additional advice for entrepreneurs, and, of course, the best ways to reach these and other Investors. There will be plenty of time for networking with the Investor panelists, both before the panel & afterwards

As an additional benefit, entrepreneur 1/4 page summaries will be given to the investor speakers and attendees. All of the Investors will get your company description and contact info!

Register today, as this event will sell-out and is limited to only 130 tickets!

The next part of the event will feature companies pitching to the VC and Angel Investors. Each company pitch will be 20 minutes (with Powerpoint) including 5 minutes of Q&A with the investors. The fee to just attend the event is $75, the fee for the 20-minute Pitch is $2,000. There is only 1 Presenting Spot for this event! Click here to apply to pitch

Additionally, there will be an Optional Pitching Workshop Lunch from 11am-1pm. The cost to participate in the workshop will be $350. This Lunch Workshop includes the $75 ticket to the event, and a 1/4 page listing in the Venture Guide Magazine (normally $125). Most importantly, it includes a 2-minute Pitching Spot to the Investors during the event! There are only 15 spaces left in the Workshop.

Official Website:

Added by hertlein.deborah on April 28, 2009

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