New York, New York

Fucked Up

Fucked Up have the most perfect name for any band in rock history. In two words it bluntly states the truth that lies at the heart of the white noise maelstrom – things are different from what you expect.

Titus Andronicus

Titus Andronicus is a rock and roll band from Glen Rock. There are four people in the band. Titus Andronicus take their name from a minor Shakespearean tragedy, not, as many people believe, from some sort of killer robot from the future.

Titus Andronicus have shared stages with such noted, world-famous luminaries as Yo La Tengo, Ted Leo and the Pharmacists, No Age, The Hold Steady, Fucked Up, Times New Viking, and Los Campesinos. Titus Andronicus practice at Ian's house.

Above all else, Titus Andronicus want to sleep on your floor.

Added by LePoisson Rouge on October 17, 2011

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