On the Internet
World Wide Web, Oregon

In support of Susan Reynolds and her fight against breast cancer. VISIT FROZENPEAFUND.COM!

Official Website: http://frozenpeafund.com/

Added by Ontario Emperor on December 21, 2007


Ontario Emperor

Susan Reynolds' blog about her experiences, "Boobs on Ice," can be found at http://susanreynolds.blogs.com/boobsonice/

Ontario Emperor

Just a reminder - this fund is not a one day affair. Contributions are accepted through October 2008.


LOL - I just commented that I watched - although I was clue-less WHAT you guys were up to. Only now I'm starting to get it that it was a really widespread plot to keep it as quiet as it was for so long while I was in the week before surgery.

All I can say is WOW - and thanks so much.