8201 Old 13 Mile
Warren, Michigan 48093

Foreclosure Brokers Come Clean

A Panel of Veteran REO Brokers Offer REAL Answers To Your Investment Questions

This month at July's Main Event you'll have the opportunity to pick an REO brokers brain.

What is an REO broker?

They are the listing agents who control all of the foreclosures on the market. They are your key to communication with the banks who own the foreclosed properties.

Here's a peek into what they'll be covering;

-Where the forclosure market is headed

-What areas have the best deals

-The best way to make offers

-What percent of listing price you should offer

-The one secret onl super-experienced investors know that will get the bank to put your offer on top of the pile

When: July 31st, 2008

Time: 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.

Where: Royalty House 8201 Old 13 Mile Rd Warren, MI 48093

***Seating is extremely limited***

For more information [email protected] or call 586-435-7113

Official Website: http://www.REIAofMacomb.com

Added by REIAofMacomb on July 7, 2008