3339 Adams Ave
San Diego, California 92116

A humorous documentary featuring street performer "Reverend Billy” (www.RevBilly.com) with his blow-dried pompadour and his gospel choir of activists from “The Church of Stop Shopping”. They take off on a cross-country trip in the month prior to Christmas to spread their message against their perceived evils of patronizing several retail outlets of large corporate chains. Watch them attempt to exorcise the demons at various retail outletsk, including the Wal-Mart corporate headquarters. ... and their run-ins with authority.

Many good laughs and thought-provoking.

A Lestats West encore presentation. Produced by Morgan Spurlock, best-known for his documentary, “Super Size Me”

Official Website: http://lestats.com

Added by jv333 on December 9, 2009

Interested 2