8651 Spectrum Center Blvd
San Diego, California 92123

The Cashing in on Demand Response Seminar is designed to increase public awareness and educate business leaders about the revenues available for joining the Cut Back California Program and the role demand response plays in providing reliability for the grid and decreasing danger of brownouts.

Cut Back California is a customer-friendly demand response program which pays larger users to shift electric use during peak periods and conserve electricity during shortages. This action, which is requested typically only a few days per summer, levels off electric users’ demand and brings stability back to the grid.

Guest speakers Joseph Semerad, program manager at San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E), and Joseph Lyons, energy policy director at California Manufacturers and Technology Association (CMTA), will present demand response history and issues. Paul Tyno, vice president and director of business development at ECS will discuss the specific benefits of the Cut Back California Program.

Official Website: http://www.ecscal.com

Added by CatBackCalifornia on May 16, 2007

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