1904 Guadalupe, Suite B (downstairs)
Austin, Texas

Michael Badnarik, 2004 Presidential candidate and current Congressional candidate for TX District 10, presents a FREE seminar on the Bill of Rights.

Did you know that your rights are inherent, and that they are NOT 'granted' by the Bill of Rights?

Did you know that nearly every provision of the Patriot Act, which George Bush uses to spy on Americans without a warrant, is unconstitutional?

Did you know that Congress has already passed the REAL ID act, which will utilize RFID technology to significantly expand government intrusiveness into your life?

Did you know that Michael Badnarik has written a best-selling book on the Constitution, and teaches an 8-hour course on the subject?

If there was ever a time to educate yourself on your individual rights, the time is now.

Official Website: http://badnarik.org

Added by Zodiacjack on October 24, 2006

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