50 E Central Blvd # D
Orlando, Florida 32801

Every single 3rd Monday for the past 20 3rd Mondays, a group of geeks, artists, writers and other creative types have been gathering in Orlando for a networking event otherwise unheard of in this part of the country.

Folks from a wide variety of jobs - designers, poets, programmers, entrepreneurs, bloggers, podcasters, painters, filmmakers, musicians, actors - plus plenty of friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, wives, husbands, and acquaintances get together for some delicious Cajun/Creole food (and the ever-popular hot tots and fried pickles), beverages, and discussion.

Admission is free, there is no sign-up form, there are no nametags, just come and be yourself, and the creatives will guide you from there!

Official Website: http://floridacreatives.com

Added by kerm52 on July 13, 2008



'Bout time I showed up for one of these things, aye? Looking forward to it.